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Pharmacies on Music Festival Sites.

Andy Robertson

A dedicated dispensing pharmacy on a music festival site is not that common as most medical ailments will be managed by on-site medical facilities. With a festival attracting large audiences some organisers may find it necessary to have a dispensing pharmacy on site. How would this work and what are the key considerations for organisers.

The presence of a dispensing pharmacist on a festival site will depend on a number of factors including the size of the event along with prevailing rules and regulations. Whilst every festival organiser will have on-site medical facilities their capabilities will vary depending on the needs of organisers and the expected medical assistance likely to be required given the number of festival-goers in attendance. 

What is a Dispensing Pharmacist. 
Certain medications can only be sold by professional healthcare workers who are licensed to prepare and sell them. Their role is primarily to ensure the safety of patients by reviewing prescriptions and providing expert advice to prevent medication errors and convey how to use them safely. Licensed pharmacists ensure dosage accuracy and outline interactions with other substances along with possible side effects. If an individual is not licensed, they are unable to dispense certain medications. 

On-site Medical Facilities. 
Depending on the size of an event medical facilities can vary from basic first aid stations attended by volunteers with first aid training to comprehensive medical facilities. Large scale festivals may have sophisticated medical tents capable of dealing with various medical emergencies attended by qualified doctors and nursing personnel. In addition, there could be fully equipped ambulances on-site ready to transfer any serious cases straight to a local hospital. In some cases, large on-site medical facilities may also have a licensed pharmacist available to dispense a limited variety of medications. 

Medical Support and Medications. 
Larger festivals may employ the services of a dedicated mobile pharmacy on site, usually located close to medical facilities but operating as a separate entity. Medical facilities may be able to administer certain medications like pain relief, antihistamines and antacids for example. However, a dedicated pharmacist can dispense medications for cardiovascular, diabetes, respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions. In addition, common antibiotics will also be available from licensed pharmacists. Depending on a jurisdiction a pharmacist may require differing levels of official prescriptions in order to dispense certain medications. 

Festival-Goer Preparation. 
Any festival-goer who regularly takes prescription medications should ensure that they take sufficient quantities with them to cover the period of their attendance. If they are concerned it may be worth checking what on-site facilities will be available at the event they are going to. There is always a possibility that medications can be lost or stolen whilst on site and this is where a requirement to obtain replacement medications from a licenced pharmacist will be invaluable. Informing friends and travelling companions about any medical conditions can help with treatment should a festival-goer become ill on site. 

For festival organisers planning their events using a software management platform like Festival Pro gives them all the functionality they need manage every aspect of their event logistics. The guys who are responsible for this software have been in the front line of event management for many years and the features are built from that experience and are performance artists themselves. The Festival Pro platform is easy to use and has comprehensive features with specific modules for managing artists, contractors, venues/stages, vendors, volunteers, sponsors, guestlists, ticketing, cashless payments and contactless ordering. 

Image by hosnysalah via Pixabay

Andy Robertson
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